Internet advertising solutions.

Publisher FAQ

Ad Code Options

If you are using the current version of the BannerSpace HTML code on your site, you can take advantage of these optional features and many more to come in future months. If you are still using an older version of the code that does not support these features, you can get your new code by selecting 'Get Ad Code' from the member login page .

Background color

If your page uses a background color other than white, you can edit the ad code to match the background of your page and appear more integrated into your site content.

Text color

If your page uses dark background color, you can change the text to a lighter color to match other text or links on your page.

Remove Alt Text

Although removing the Alt text is not recommended, as it can reduce click-through rates, you can do it by unchecking the Alt text box.

Remember that the Alt text is dynamic and many advertisers supply us with text to match the campaign. This feature has been proven to increase CTR because the text loads faster and gives the users that much more chance of clicking on the ad.

Target Frame

By default, when a user clicks on an ad banner, he/she is sent to the advertiser's site in the top frame of the browser window. If you would prefer to have the advertiser's site opened in a new browser window, so that your site remains in tact in the main window, enter _blank in this field. Use of frames other than _top or _blank must be pre-approved by BannerSpace staff.

Location Name

If you need to track stats for different areas of your site (i.e. pages, sections, or positions on pages), you may specify an arbitrary location name here. Use any name up to 20 characters and including no spaces or special characters. To take advantage of this feature, it is necessary to generate new code for each area that requires separate tracking. Leaving the Location field blank records stats at the default location.

For technical support questions, and more ad tag options please contact .

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